Introducing App Spaces

Introducing App Spaces

Introducing App Spaces

No cloud expertise required. Get your app up to the cloud and production-ready in minutes

No cloud expertise required. Get your app up to the cloud and production-ready in minutes

No cloud expertise required. Get your app up to the cloud and production-ready in minutes

Deploy faster

Deploy your app from GitHub or use one of our customizable templates to get started instantly

Manage easier

Manage all your infrastructure from an infinite canvas that grows with you

Start small, grow big

Built on top of Microsoft Azure, start at any size and never worry about outgrowing your infra

Get started today with our free tier

With our free tier on Microsoft Azure, you get 10 static sites & 48 hours of serverless compute (per month). When you're ready, seamlessly upgrade into other Microsoft Azure services

One-click, instant templates to get you started fast

Basic ToDo App

Deploy a basic, customizable ToDo App that walks you through the basics of authenticating an app using Google Authentication

Deploy Now

Retrieval-Augmented Generation App

Deploy a basic, customizable RAG-style app that shows you the basics of Retrieval-Augmented Generation, embeddings, and vectorization

Deploy Now




What is App Spaces?

App Spaces is a simplified, easy to use portal-like experience that eliminates the complexity in the cloud experience. Behind the scenes, App Spaces hosts your apps on cloud services on Microsoft Azure.

How does App Spaces work?

App Spaces is an experience layered above existing Azure services, namely Azure Container Apps and Azure Static Web Apps. App Spaces uses these services behind-the-scenes for app deployment, while removing much of the frustrating complexity often associated with cloud services.

How much does App Spaces cost?

We offer 10 free static sites via our free tier on App Spaces, and 48 hours of serverless compute. Hours of serverless compute are consumed when your app has active traffic.

Is App Spaces generally available?

App Spaces is currently in public preview (Microsoft's equivalent of pre-release). We are looking for feedback and to improve upon the product during this period!

© Microsoft App Spaces, 2024